Letters of Recommendation

The president is happy to write letters of recommendation for students whenever appropriate. Please provide at least two weeks' notice and the following information:

  1. One paragraph explaining how you met the president, how long you have known each other, and in what capacity.
  2. One paragraph detailing your academic achievements, grades, special projects, the subject of a paper of which you are especially proud, etc. How do you interact in class, how much do you contribute to the intellectual discussion/language learning of the class overall, and what are your study habits like?
  3. One paragraph about your integration in the life of the College. Describe your involvement in committees, clubs, political initiatives, conferences, etc.
  4. One paragraph about your personality.
  5. One paragraph, if applicable, about any service projects you have completed.
  6. Add any information that you think is particularly relevant for the specific use of the letter, or any other important particulars that are not included in the above.
  7. Submit a resume if you have one prepared.

Please be sure to include your name and major. Send this information via email to PitzerPresident@castingmoldingmachine.com the day after you have requested your letter of recommendation.