CASA Pitzer Research and Event Funding Request Form

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Grant-Funded Projects

Immigrants in the IE | PLACE Collaborative Grant

The PLACE Collaboratory was launched in Fall 2018 with aims to bring together a group of academic-community partnerships, involving approximately ten academic institutions from diverse sectors and regions, in a civic engagement initiative sponsored by Bringing Theory to Practice (BTtoP). 

The collaboratory aims to distill best practices for such partnerships, to model the role of the humanities and public-cultural work in sustaining them, and to pursue a strategy of networked collaboration in disseminating them across higher education. 

Pitzer College, because of the work of the CEC and CASA Pitzer programs and centers, was invited to be involved in this national PLACE Collaboratory and was generously awarded $30,000 for the next two years.

Learn more about the PLACE Collborative Grant [PDF]


Transformative Movement Organizing and Healing Justice Collaboration

Centering wellness in justice work and justice in wellness work is both a timeless and timely issue. The impacts of COVID-19 and police brutality only magnify pre-existing conditions of inequity as they relate to wellbeing and to the fragility of wellness of those working at the frontlines. 

This project aims to highlight and examine this, find and put to use tools and trainings to address it, and provide models for others to use to effectively change our justice organizations and movements to be more trauma- and healing-informed in analysis and practice. 

This is the moment to build the support, resilience and tools for wellness that will help us not only survive the injustices of today, but actually thrive as we dismantle injustice and build the world we want.

Learn more about Transformative Movement Organizing and Healing Justice Collaboration [PDF]


CASA Pitzer's Annual Reports

2022-2023 Annual Report [PDF]

2021-2022 Annual Report [PDF]

2019-2020 Annual Report [PDF]

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200 S. Euclid Ave, Suite B, Ontario, CA 91762

Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm (closed on academic holidays and national holidays)