Thomas Borowski
- Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
- Neuroscience Field Group
- Psychology Field Group

- Phone
- (909) 607-3808
- Office Location
Broad Hall 104
- Office Hours
- Contact Professor
With Pitzer Since: 2004
MSc, PhD, University of Saskatchewan
BA, University of Winnipeg
Neuropharmacology, behavioral sensitization, neurobiology of learning and memory
Foundations of Neuroscience (NEUR95)
Brain and Behavior (PSYC101)
Physiological Psychology (PSYC111)
Neuropharmacology and Behavior (PSYC148)
“Estrogen, Cholinergic System and Cognition,” in Michael S. Ritsner, and Abraham Weizman,eds., Neuroactive Steroids in Brain Function, Behavior and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Novel Strategies for Research and Treatment. New York: Springer Science and Business Media, 2008.
“Central monoamine Activity in Genetically Distinct Strains of Mice Following a Psychogenic Stressor: Effects of Predator Exposure,” Brain Research, vol. 292 (2001). With S. Hayley, Z. Merali, and H. Anisman.
“Psychogenic, Neurogenic and Systemic Stressor Effects on Plasma Corticosterone and Behaviors: Mouse Strain-Dependent Outcomes,” Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 115 (2001). With H. Anisman, S. Hayley, O. Kelly, and Z. Merali.