José Luis Flórez

  • Senior Lecturer and Assessment Specialist
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
Jose luis flores portrait
Office Location

Fletcher Hall 212

Office Hours
Contact Professor

With Pitzer Since: 2007

José Luis Flórez concentrates on beginning Spanish language classes. He specializes in and coordinates the field group’s initiatives associated with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages oral proficiency standards, and coordinates the assessment of proficiency levels for Spanish majors and minors and Pitzer Fulbright applicants.

MA, Philology (Modern Languages), Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
MA, Bioethics, Universidad Comillas de Madrid, Spain
MA, Theological Ethics, Universidad Comillas de Madrid, Spain
BA, Philosophy and Theology, Lateran University of Rome, Italy

ACTFL OPI Tester with Full Certification
ACTFL AAPPL Interpersonal Listening/Speaking and Presentational Writing Rater

  • Introductory Spanish (Span 001)
  • Continuing Introductory Spanish (Span 002)
  • Intermediate Spanish (Span 033)

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

  • ACTFL Role of Grammar in Development of Proficiency Workshop, 2017
  • ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test Familiarization Workshop, 2015
  • ACTFL OPI Assessment Workshop, 2013, 2014