Andrea Scott

  • Professor of Academic Writing
  • Senior Director of College Writing
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Andrea Scott is a scholar-teacher who works at the intersection of writing studies and comparative literature. She is an active scholar of transnational writing center theory and practice. Her research on the latter includes close to 50 presentations and over a dozen peer-reviewed articles and chapters, in addition to essays, book reviews, translations, an edited special issue, and poems. 

Recent research focuses on questions like how can the concept of care illuminate writing and how can writing illuminate care? What can the field of disability studies tell us about the ways in which enabling technologies like generative AI are also entangled in disablement in the context of writing? What is the future of writing centers in higher education? And how do students develop as writers at small liberal arts colleges?

She joined Pitzer in 2013 as the faculty director of the Pitzer Writing Center. She transformed the mission of the center, engaging students as leaders in its governance. Among other initiatives, she launched a comprehensive peer tutor education program, an embedded Fellows program, and opportunities for students to engage in faculty-mentored research and assessment—programs that continue to thrive today. She also launched collaborations with every division on campus.

She currently serves as Senior Director of College Writing, where she oversees instructional support and college-wide writing assessment. She also provides strategic oversight over the Writing Center. 

For her scholarship on writing centers and programs, she was awarded a DAAD-Fulbright Fellowship, a Pitzer Scholar-in-Residence Fellowship, and an Aaron Swartz Best Writing Commons Web Text Award. Her work has been published in The Writing Center Journal, WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, JoSch: Journal der Schreibwissenschaft, and WPA: Writing Program Administration, among others. She has served on the executive boards of the Council of Small Liberal Arts Colleges Writing Program Administration and the European Writing Centers Association, in addition to acting as a member of the Outstanding Article Award Committee of the International Writing Centers Association and the Liaison Committee of the Council of Writing Program Administration. 

With Pitzer Since: 2013
Field Group: Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

MA, PhD, University of Chicago
BA, Mills College

Radical Care
How We Write Now

Reality Hunger (FYS2)
Writing Center Theory and Praxis (WRIT100)
Representing Los Angeles (WRIT20)
Writing Publics: Education, Literacies, and Culture (WRIT10)
Writing the Senior Thesis (WRIT195)
Global/Local Research Workshop

“How We Write Now: Reframing Writing Centers as Partners in Assessing the Culture of Writing on Campus during and after the Pandemic.” Co-authored with Jack Friedman ‘23, Ryann Liljenstolpe ‘24, Dominique Morra ‘24, Alexander Rodriguez ‘24, Gabriel Sherman ‘22. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship. Special digital issue on the Post-Pandemic Writing Center published in the Digital Edited Collection series. Forthcoming in Winter 2024

Concepts, Community and Collaboration: A Foreword to a Special Issue of JoSch:” with Gerd Bräuer, Matthew Davis, Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams, and Susan E. Thomas. JoSch: Journal der Schreibwissenschaft. June 2023., pp. 4-9. Guest co-editor of Special Issue.

Experts of the Writing Process: Writing Process Research and the Making of Disciplinary Expertise in German Writing Centers.” Teaching and Studying Transnational Composition (eds. Christiane Donahue and Bruce Horner, Modern Language Association Press, 2022). 

Mapping a Transatlantic Discipline: The Role of Handbooks in Discipline-Building in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.” The Writing Center Journal. 38.1 (Fall/Winter 2021): 143-63.

“A Radical and Sustainable Vision for Inclusivity: Internationalizing the Writing Center: A Guide for Developing a Multilingual Writing Center (2020).” Invited review essay. Lead Article. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship. Fall 2021.

“The State of Writing Center Research across the Atlantic: A Bibliometric Analysis of a German Flagship Journal, 2010-2016.” With Pam Bromley. Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. 16.3 (Spring 2020).

“What Can Citations Tell Us about the State of the Discipline Now? Author and Citation Patterns in Journal der Schreibberatung, 2010 to 2016″ in JoSch: Journal der Schreibberatung [JoSch: Journal of Writing Consultation] in June 2019.

“Defining Disciplinarity at Moments of Transition: The Dappled Expertise of the Multidisciplinary WPA.” WPAs in Transition. Eds. Courtney Adams Wooten, Jacob Babb, and Brian Ray. Utah State University Press, 2018.

“‘We would be well advised to agree on our basic principles’: Schreiben as an Agent of Discipline-Building in Writing Studies in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Liechtenstein.” “ Journal of Academic Writing 6.2 (2017).

“The Storying of Writing Centers outside the U.S.: Director Narratives and the Making of Disciplinary Identities in Germany and Austria.“ WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship. 41:5-6 (2017).

“Re-Centering Writing Center Studies: What U.S.-Based Scholars Can Learn from Their Colleagues in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.” Zeitschrift Schreiben [European Journal of Writing]. (Dec 2016).

Commenting Across the Disciplines: Partnering with Writing Centers to Train Faculty to Respond Effectively to Student Writing.” Journal of Response to Writing 1.1 (2015).

“Writer’s Block: A Study of Disciplinary Negotiations in the Faculty Office and Classroom,” CEA Forum, vol. 47, no. 1 (June 2014).

Response to Faye Halpern’s “The Preceptor Problem: The Effect of ‘Undisciplined Writing’ on Disciplined Instructors.” WPAs in Dialogue. WPA: Writing Program Administration 37.1 (2013).

“Responsive Teaching in Unresponsive Times: Reframing Feedback as Care.” 3rd Trinational Conference of the German Society for Writing Research and Pedagogies, the Swiss Forum for Academic Writing, and the Austrian Society of Academic Writing, Online, September 2023.

“The Future of Academic Writing and Its Instruction in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.” University:Future Festivals, April 26-28, 2023, Berlin. Mainstage speaker.

“Digitales Kompetenzraster: Transaktionale Methode / transformative Wirkung.” With Anja Voigt. Curriculum-Barcamp: Studiengänge für die digitale Welt.“ Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (German Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age), Online, January 19, 2023.

“Research as Care Work: A Feminist Reframing of Research Pedagogies and Identities.” Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliches Schreiben (Austrian Society for Academic Writing), Vienna, November 2022.

“Strengthening Campus Belonging: How to Put Theory into Practice.” Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Berlin, October 2022.

Invited talk and workshop. “Student Belonging – Antidiskriminierung in der Lehre“ [Student Belonging: Anti-Discrimination in Teaching and Learning”] Hochschuldidaktik: Gerechtigkeit und Antidiskriminierung im deutsch-polnischen Kontext [University Teaching and Learning: Social Justice and Antidiscrimination in the German-Polish Context), Collegium Polonicum, Slubice, October 2022.

Keynote. “Die Entwicklung der Schreibzentrumsarbeit und -forschung in Deutschland: Woher und Wohin?” [The Development of Writing Center Work and Research in Germany: Lessons from the Past and New Directions for the Future] Regionalgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg innerhalb der Gesellschaft für Schreibdidaktik und Schreibforschung (Regional Affiliate Berlin-Brandenburg of the German Society for Writing Pedagogy and Research), Berlin, September 2022.

“Small Changes, Empowering Results: How Writing Centers Can Use ‘Small Teaching’ to Enhance Inclusivity.” European Writing Centers Association Conference, Graz, July 2022.

“Students’ Rights to Their Own Language in Research Design: A Student-Led Approach to Studying ‘How We Write Now’ in the Pandemic.” Conference of the Convention on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Chicago, March 2022.

“Welcher Argument-Typ bist du? Einige Lese- und Schreibstrategien aus den USA.” Joint conference organized by the Austrian Society of Academic Writing, the German Society for Writing Didactics and Research, and the Swiss Forum for Academic Writing, Winterthur, Switzerland. Originally scheduled for June 2020. Postponed and delivered June 2021.

“Making Motherhood Work: The ‘Cruel Optimism’ of Advice Literature in the Academy.” Roundtable presentation. Pacific and Ancient Modern Languages Association (PAMLA), San Diego, November 2019.

“A Transnational Perspective on Writing Across the Disciplines: Reflective Exercises on the Writing Process from Germany.” PAMLA, San Diego, November 2019.

Schreibwissenschaft Today: The Disciplinary Turn in Germanic Writing Studies,” keynote presentation, joint conference of the German Society for Writing Didactics and Research, the Austrian Society for Academic Writing, and the Swiss Forum for Academic Writing, Klagenfurt, May 2019.

“What Can Citation Practices Tell Us About the Teaching and Study of Academic Writing Now? A Symposium on Comparative Research in the Field.” Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW), London, June 2017.

“Representing Student Engagement: A Holistic Approach to Writing Center Assessment.” Conference of the Convention on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Portland, March 2017.

 “Offering Models of Writing Center Assessment That Are Holistic Representation of Writers.” Writing Research Across Borders Conference (WRAB), Bogota, February 2017.

 “The Heart of National Writing Cultures: Sharing and Examining Meaningful Local Texts.” Workshop. European Writing Centers Association (EWCA), Lodz, July 2016.

 “Far from the Margins: Theorizing the Disciplinary Histories of Writing Centers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.” International Research Consortium. CCCC, Houston, April 2016.

“The Writing Center as Fellowship Office Partner: Training Tutors to Work Effectively with Fellowship Writers at SLACs.” Conference of Small Liberal Arts College Writing Program Administrators (SLAC-WPA), Memphis, January 2016.

 “A Call for Translingual Writing Center Research.” Presentation. International Writing Centers Association Conference (IWCA), Pittsburgh. October 2015.

“Transatlantic Perspectives on Writing Centers: Surveying Institutions and Sharing Practices to Develop Situated Writing Support” EATAW, Tallinn. June 2015.

“Studying Writing Center Stories: Methods for Qualitative Narrative Inquiry.” IWCA Collaborative, Tampa. March 2015.

“Partnering with Vampires: Using Curricular Evidence to Reframe Debates around Common Ground,” CCCC, Tampa. March 2015.

“The Disciplinary Identities of Writing Centers in Germany: Or, How International Research Challenges the ‘Writing Center Grand Narrative.'” IWCA, Orlando. October-November 2014.

“Transatlantic Partnerships: What German and American Writing Studies Scholars Can Learn From One Another.” 2014 EWCA, Frankfurt an der Oder. July 2014.

“Transatlantic Partnerships in Writing in the Disciplines: Negotiating Beliefs about Writing in Germany.” International Research Consortium. CCCC, Indianapolis. March 2014.

“Questioning the Inclusiveness of our Practices: Notes Towards Developing Diverse Student Writers at Small Liberal Arts Colleges.” SLAC-WPA, Claremont. January 2014.

“Making Friends with Vampires: A Call to Reframe Curricular Debates about First-Year Writing Around Common Ground.” Conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA), Savannah. July 2013.

Southern California Writing Centers Association Travel Scholarship, 2015

DAAD/ Fulbright Fellowship, Summer Academy in Leipzig for U.S. Faculty in German, 2014

2013 Aaron Swartz Award for the Best Writing Commons Web Text, February 2014.